How Much Will I Pay For A GCSE Science Tutor?
Our prices for science GCSE tutors start from £22/hour.
What Topics Are Covered In GCSE Science?
GCSE science consists of the study of biology, chemistry and physics. In the GCSE Science curriculum, the following topics are typically covered:
1. Biology:
– Cell biology
– Organisms and their environment
– Genetics and evolution
– Health, disease, and the development of medicines
2. Chemistry:
– Atomic structure and the periodic table
– Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
– Quantitative chemistry
– Chemical changes and energy
3. Physics:
– Energy
– Electricity and magnetism
– Particle model of matter
– Forces and motion
– Waves
– Radiation and space
These topics are taught to provide a broad understanding of key scientific concepts and principles. It is important to note that the specific topics covered may vary slightly depending on the exam board and school.
How Many Hours Of Tutoring Is Needed For GCSE Science?
There is no definitive answer to how many sessions you will need with an online GCSE science tutor, however we recommend starting off with one hour a week. This can be discussed between yourself and your GCSE tutor online and changed to something more suitable if required.